Godly Hunter – Chapter 60 – Merciless Map – Intransient

I seem to be getting more work done these days when meine Mann is busy. Let’s hope to get as much done as possible when I still have the motivation to do so. Heh. 

Jan is behaving more and more like a big boy. Sometimes he insists on feeding himself with a spoon. He climbs on big people chairs and sits, swinging his legs and banging the table while saying ‘mam mam!’ to ask to be given a snack.

He runs off to explore the spielplatz (play ground)  by himself at the gemeindschaftzentren (community centre?) and gets even dirtier than those kids you see in those washing detergent advertisements.

He’s grown so much, hasn’t he? I’m looking forward to the next stage of his growth, always.



And now, without further ado…

Godly Hunter Chapter 60 – Merciless Map

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